3 Ways to Stop Condensation in Aircon Trunking

3 Ways to Stop Condensation in Aircon Trunking

October 7, 2018 tips 0


Condensation in the aircon trunking is a quite natural phenomenon for any air conditioner. As the AC drops down the room or warms up, some of the moisture gets stored in the system that forms the water droplet. During the process, these droplets need to end up in the drainage pipe. So normally air conditioners have a primary condensation drip line and a backup drip line. You have to be very watchful, if in any way you find any dripping or leakage in the back up dripping line. It is a clear indication that your air conditioner is malfunctioning or any other issue. Most of the people do not have any idea about condensation in aircon trunking as the moisture build-up is to be taken care of automatically.

It will be very annoying if you find out that water droplets from the backup drip or the drainage pipe of the AC are damaging the floor and wall of your house. So it is better to tackle the matter without any delay. Here are 3 ways listed following which you can avoid leakage from your aircon trunking.


Always go for professional and renowned manufacturers of the air conditioner

Less than required thickness of the insulation is a primary reason for condensation. It is the duty of the company and people who are installing the aircon to give you information about the accurate thickness required for the insulation required for the room you want the air conditioner in. so if you’re facing any problem with the insulation it is the fault of these professional people. Now from your side, you can gather as much knowledge about it by asking your neighbors and relatives who have an air conditioner installed in their houses. Also while you’re going to buy an air conditioner never ever opt for the cheap one. The renounced and professional companies ensure that their customers get satisfactory results using their products. This is why they use proper material and required thickness for insulation to lower the problems related to condensation in aircon trunking.


Consider the option for unblocking the trap floor

Well, most of the customers and regular users of air conditioners do not know that the moisture build-up can even lead to the blockage of the trap floor inside it. On the contrary and ideally, the trap floor is build up to drain the moisture builds up in the form of water droplets. Normally the drain pipes are trunked inside a case. This makes it more complicated for any normal person to solve the problem by himself. It is better to call the technicians of aircon servicing to check on the matter and solve the problem.


Check on the installation of the drip pipes of the air conditioner

In case of improper installation, the trunk joints do not fit with each other and the chances of leaking are very high. When the condensation occurs, the moisture in the form of water droplets leaks from them. This happens if you settle for the cheaper budget for your air conditioner and installation of it. So it is best you must keep a watchful eye while aircon servicing professionals are installing the trunk joints or reinstall them if any problem occurs.


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